
2011 - 11
«» 2011 - 11 «»





      楼市崩盘,让日本在低迷或萧条中渡过了20余年,至今没有恢复元气。    ),wptS{ 9I  
    日本当年房价为什么崩盘?总结下来,无外乎几点:炒房投机获利超过正常企业利润,导致大量资源流向房地产领域,加速了泡沫的形成;滥发基础货币(对内)与升值压力(对外);人口结构发生变化…… KN m9b.  
    中国自古崇尚“居安思危”的理念,努力做到在危险还没有到来时,就提前发现问题,将之在萌芽状态就解决掉,以避免在未来某个时刻置身于危险之中。    du\%rG{  
    中国楼市会不会崩盘呢?不妨对照一下日本。    N-,a3Z  
    从这几年的情况来看,企业正常经营所获利润,别说能够超过就是接近房地产的也寥寥无几。尤其次贷危机发生后,中国推出了4万亿的救市计划,以此为基础,地方政府推出了18万亿的救市计划,即使剔除重叠的,规模之庞大也足以令世界触目惊心。为了筹集资金,许多地方政府强化了税费征收功能,企业负担加重,原本微薄的利润变得更加微薄。于是,有的老板关掉企业,把钱投入到了房地产领域。    ~[:+onAC  
    这也正是次贷危机之下,全世界房价下跌,唯独中国房价率先快速上涨的根本原因。由于大量资源流向房地产领域,加速了中国房价的上涨,这种上涨形成的示范效应又吸引更多的资金涌向房地产,资金的持续流入为中国房地产戴上了一个华美的光环,而在这种光环之下,则是一个令人忧虑的前景:如果制造业的基础松动,过于倚重房地产的中国,如何应对未来房地产波动甚至崩盘的隐忧?    ^VXec`Smf  
    广场协议签订后,日本政府为了刺激经济发展,货币供应量每年超过10%。信贷投放也持续放大,比如,1991年,日本银行总贷款规模在当年国民生产总值中的占比高达90%,贷款大部分流入房地产领域。   *;LTsl#  
    中国在出台经济刺激计划以后,信贷投放加快,仅今年前9个月新增人民币贷款就高达8.67万亿元。我们无法知道到底有多少资金流向了房地产领域,但我们知道,存量住房几乎被销售一空,“地王”在全国各地一个接一个出现。今年国内主要大城市前三季度土地出让金已经超过2007年全年,上海在今年前9个月卖地收入达652亿元,名列全国第一,北京紧随其后,达571亿元。而2001年至2003年间,中国地方政府的土地出让金收入总额也才9100亿元。    Gk=Ou+`)  
    再看一下人口因素。日本二战后的人口出生率一度达到33‰,这批婴儿长大成家后形成对住房的强大需求,推动着房价的上涨。但随后,随着经济发展和生活的改善,人口出生率开始大幅下降,这成为加速日本房价崩盘的一个重要推手。   :O& p;\A;  
    其实,中国的人口结构也在快速发生变化,只是这种变化被无情忽略了。 -=Wk*Au%  
    我们不妨看一下媒体报道的具体数据:根据北京市教委发布的统计数据,2000年是小学毕业生人数的高峰年,小升初人数为18万人,到2001年减为17万人,2002年减为15万人,2003年是近年来小学毕业生减幅最大的一年,减为12万人,2004年减至10万人。2005年减至8万多人……如果把这组数据画成曲线图,人们很容易发现未来人口变化的趋势是何等之明显,何等之快速。    e+@|[}*=P  
    当人口结构在十多年后呈现巨变,中国支撑高房价的基础在哪里?我此前说过,当人们的预期发生变化,大量被囤积的房源蜂拥到市场,谁有力量维持高房价泡沫及由此营造出来的虚幻的繁荣?而且,由于快速扩张,中国大城市的承受能力已经到达极限。比如,人均水资源国际公认的警戒线是1000立方米,而上海的人均水资源仅150立方米,北京仅300立方米。当城市遭遇最致命的发展瓶颈,房价还能独立前行吗?毕竟,我们不是生活在童话中。    x~xn; dfwN  
    房价连年上涨,远远超出了民众的实际购买力,严重恶化了民生,使得许多人把拥有房子这种生活必需品定为人生的终极目标。更重要的是,房地产已经成为消耗公众财富的无底洞。    -sXC] 9r:  
    既得利益集团拼命渲染房地产发展带来的好处,而对日积月累的隐患只字不提。日本在房地产崩盘后,依靠技术和民富两大基础,尚能跌跌撞撞地在20多年低迷期中坚持下来,中国房价如果真的崩盘,我们能撑多久?别忘了,中国缺少日本当年的两大支柱,民穷与技术落后的现实,注定中国承受房地产崩盘的能力是十分脆弱的。 yTow~U,  

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一共有 39 条评论
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成为一个更大的太空玩?br />  英国路透社:中国正在与日本、印度等邻国一样。?/P>



















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Coach Factory Store 2011-10-28 10:40 Says:
Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
Coach Factory Store 2011-10-28 10:34 Says:
Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
Coach Factory Store 2011-10-28 10:30 Says:
Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
Coach Factory Store 2011-10-28 10:28 Says:
Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
Coach Factory Store 2011-10-28 10:26 Says:
Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
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Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:42 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:36 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:34 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:29 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
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