
2011 - 11
«» 2011 - 11 «»





People and Colors n]2}K9&R,  
  One person chooses a bright red car, but another vending toys prefers a dark green. One family paints the living room a sunny yellow, but another family uses pure white. One child wants a bright orange ball, but another wants a light blue one. Psychologists and businessmen think these differences are important. z FSq5Uu9f  
  In general, people talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. Researchers flow meter think that there are also two groups of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors. I=?nwR=HQ  
  The warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be active. People think that red, for example, is exciting. Sociable people, those who like to be with wedding dresses others, like red. The cool colors are green, blue, and violet. These colors, unlike warm colors, are relaxing. Where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet. People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue. C]X$v2  
  Red may be exciting, but one wedding gowns researcher says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. He suggests that a warm color, such as read or orange, is a good color for a living room or restaurant. People who are relaxing or eating do not want time to pass quickly. Cool colors are better for offices or factories if the people who are working there want time to pass quickly. ra'Hl/4A+  
  Researchers do not know why people think some colors are warm Anti-static fabric and other colors are cool. However, almost everyone agrees that red, orange, and yellow are warm and that green, blue, and violet are cool. Perhaps warm colors remind people of warm days and the cool colors remind them of cool days. Because in the north the sum is low during winter, the sunlight Cysteamine appears quite blue. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow. #,Z_:,q?}*  
  People associate colors with different objects,steam trap feelings, and holidays. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood, and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is used for signs of danger, such as STOP signs and fire engines. The holiday which is associated with red is Valentines Day. On February 14, Americans send red hearts to people they love. /e4.j3hP  
  Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively, energetic color. They handbag wholesale associate orange with happiness. They holidays which are associated with orange are Halloween in October and Thanksgiving Day in November. One October 31 many Americans put large orange pumpkins in their windows gate valve for Halloween.Yellow is the color of sunlight. People say it is a cheerful and lively color. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Because it is bright, it is used for signs of caution. QMb K/*-4  
  Green is the cool color of grass in spring. People say it is a Gucci shoes refreshing and relaxing color. Machines in factories are usually painted light green.Blue is the color of the sky, water, and ice. Police and Navy uniforms are blue. When people are sad, they say "I feel blue." They associate blue with feelings like unhappiness and fear. ro]d7[x  
  Violet, or purple, is the deep, soft nike air max color of darkness or shadows. People consider violet a dignified color. They associate it with loneliness. On Easter Sunday people decorate baskets with purple ribbons.White is the color of snow. People describe white as a pure, clean color. They associate white with a bright clean feeling. Doctors and nurses normally wear white uniforms. On the other hand, wrapping machine black is the color of night. People wear black clothes at serious or formal ceremonies. ia(Qd3  
  Businessmen know that people choose products by color. Businessmen USB Memory Stick want to manufacture products which are the colors people will buy. Fox example, an automobile manufacturer needs to know how many cars to paint red, how many green, and how many black. Good businessmen know that young people prefer different colors than old people do and men prefer different colors than women do. P -Tufd  
  Young children react to the color of an object before they react to its shape. They prefer the warm colors - red, yellow, and orange. When people grow older, they begin to react more to the shape designer sunglasses of an object than to its color. The favorite color of adults of all countries is blue. Their second favorite color is red, and their third is green. hy@teQw  
  On the whole, women prefer brighter colors than men do. Almost everyone likes red, but women like yellow and green more than men do. Pink is usually considered a feminine color. Blue is usually considered a masculine color. As a result, people dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue. However, it is dangerous to generalize because taste changes. For example, years ago businessmen wore only white shirts; today they wear many different colors, including pink.

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神州八号飞船与天宫一号对接模拟图。  本报讯 (记者仲玉维)记者从中国载人航天工程网获悉,执行我国首次空间交会对接任务的“神船八号”飞船与长征二号F远八火箭,于昨日顺利转运至发射区,这标志着“神船八号”飞船发射进进倒计时。根据计划,“神船八号”飞船将于11月初在酒泉卫星发射中心择机发射。  可自动手动交会对接  据先容,“神船八号”飞船为改进型载人飞船,具备自动和手动交会对接功能,发射升空后将与“天宫一号”目标飞行器进行交会对接,突破和验建筑网航天器自动交会对接技术,验建筑网组合体工作模式,并开展空间科学实验。  发射“神船八号”飞船的长征二号F远八火箭,是在长征二号F火箭的基础上进行了多项改进,进步了运载能力和进轨精度。  目前,已于9月29日发射的目标飞行器“天宫一号”在轨运行稳定,设备工作正常,各项实验工作进展顺利,满足交会对接任务要求。  神八运行12天对接两次  据中科院院士、空间科学与深空探测领域首席专家叶培建先容,“神八”发射后,预计在太空运行12天,完成两次交会对接。  “‘神船八号’打上往以后,有个重要任务就是和‘天宫一号’进行远程交会对接。交会成功以后,它们将成为一个很大的组合体,要一起在太空翱翔。”叶培建说,今后20天很关键。  叶培建说,首次对接后,“天宫一号”和“神八”还要分开,进行第二次交会对接。综合考虑“天宫一号”、“天宫二号”、“神八”、“神九”、“神十”,有了两次以上成功的交会对接以后,就会进行有人的交会对接。

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Most people are familiar with certain Coach Factory Outlet which are needed to pack for vacation. One such essential is the perfect little evening Coach Bags for a night on the town, be it a sequined Chanel Handbags for the club in Paris or a gauzy Coach Factory Outlet Online for the Caribbean lounge.  You will also want to pack Chanel Bags that go with the perfect little Coach Outlet as well as most of the other Coach Outlet you will be packing. To be sure, you will also choose with great care the essential cosmetics and Coach Outlet Online, so as not to overwhelm your Coach Factory but making sure to have exactly enough of what you can’t live without.  You may not have given enough thought, however, to the Coach Outlet themselves! Sure, you know what to bring (or at least you think you know), but have you thought about the “Louis Vuitton” of the trip? Consideration should be given to Coach Outlet Online with which you would like to travel, as well as the style and comfort of your Louis Vuitton. There are a number of great Coach Online Outlet you can consider for your trip, and a stylish piece of Coach Factory Outlet within which to pack your Louis Vuitton Outlet Online can really make a difference in your travels.  Depending on your destination, you may be able to limit yourself to only one piece of Coach Factory Store for travel.
Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:35 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
Chanel Bags 2011-10-26 09:35 Says:
Louis Vuitton Outlet Store is one of the leading brands when it comes to essentials for both men and women. Unlike Coach Factory Online, Gucci, and other competitors,Burberry Bag has been able to carve its own niche by developing different lines dominated by leather. It's not just any leather, though. The leatherAuthentic Louis Vuitton using belongs to the top 10 best ones in the world. What's more, to make sure that it's going to be comfortable to touch and use, it undergoes a lot of processes. Thus, you can expect comfort and quality when it comes to Coach Factory Outlet Online.Your Choices There are a lot of reasons why you should considerLouis Vuitton Bagswhen you're purchasing a pair of shoes. For one, Burberry Scarfare varied. You have sandals, wedges, closed shoes, boots, high heels, sneakers, loafers, and even Mary Janes.Moreover, they are highly affordable. Most of them don't go beyond $300. Thus, you can always give away shoes without breaking the bank to yourself and, of course, to your loved ones.When shopping for shoes at Coach, you can start with the following designs:Finch SneakersTaking a walk in the park should not give you an excuse to look drab. You can get casual with Finch sneakers fromChanel Handbags. It features the tartan or jacquard print that the brand is known for. Louis Vuitton Outleta mid-top sneaker, so you can always pair Louis Vuitton Outlet with funky socks to make you look cooler. For better traction and friction, the soles are made of rubber.Hellen Loafers This is for women who love to look dainty yet chic. Chanel Handbags combines the softness of Louis Vuitton and the funkiness of the finch sneakers because of Coach Factory Outlet Online. Nevertheless, Hellen loafers are made of moccasin, so you can always pair this one with a flowing or mini skirt. The linings are made of natural leather, while the Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags come from rubber. Louis Vuitton Purses possesses the Coach hardware.Fiona Signature Flat You don't like the style of Coach Outlet Online? Then opt for Coach's Fiona instead. SinceBurberry Scarf a flat, you won't have to suffer from leg and feet strain. It also has rubber soles to ensure that every step would be comfortable and soft to the feet. Most of all, it has shearling interior and a dash of fur on the exterior. It's one way of keeping yourself in fashion during the winter months.Danica Sandal If Fiona is for winter, then Danica is definitely for springtime and summer. If you want to make sure that your feet get to breathe or you simply want to LV Bags, the Danica sandal suits you best. The leather is very smooth and soft to the soles, which are buffed.This is a Mary Jane with a great twist--it got heels. It also features glittering heels. You can wear this all day at the office because of the soft leather lining. Moreover, the Coach purses, which are not more than 3. 5 inches in length, will prevent you from getting tired leg muscles in the end.
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